When driving in your car, walking through a retail shop, or even seeking medical treatment, you might suffer injuries because of another party’s negligence. Such injuries are often unexpected and due to serious accidents, causing additional distress for victims, and our lawyers can begin building claims immediately as victims emotionally and physically recover.
Personal injuries that require lengthy medical treatments, extended hospital stays, care from specialists, or prescription medications might lead to overwhelming damages for victims. Such injuries include brain and spinal cord damage, as well as disfiguring injuries and displaced fractures. When handling your case, we can collect medical evidence proving the severity of your injuries and bills underscoring the cost of your treatment. We will also stay mindful of the statute of limitations, preventing plaintiffs from missing the filing deadlines for their claims and their chances of getting compensation.
To discuss your case for free with our personal injury lawyers, call Agrapidis & Maroules, P.C. at (201) 777-1111.
Personal Injuries and Their Cost in Garfield, NJ
Victims might suffer various injuries because of someone else’s negligent or reckless conduct. Some of the most consequential include brain and head injuries, back and spine injuries, facial and disfiguring injuries, and displaced fractures. Not only do many of these injuries cause long-term and sometimes permanent complications for victims, but they can also be costly to treat, leading victims to seek damages from liable parties with our lawyers’ help.
Brain and Head Injuries
Brain and head injuries are among the most serious victims can sustain in accidents due to negligence. Upon their arrival at the hospital, stabilizing victims is paramount to ensure injuries do not worsen and that there is no internal bleeding. Doctors might have to monitor your brain function to determine the severity of the injury, running CT scans and MRIs as necessary.
Some victims may need surgery right away to remove blood clots, fix skull fractures, or relieve pressure. Specialized neurologists generally perform these surgeries, and the cost can be extreme. Treatments for severe brain and head injuries might require victims to remain in the hospital for days or weeks so doctors can continue evaluating them for possible complications or issues. Extended hospital stays are also very costly, and our personal injury lawyers will track the cost of all treatments you receive during this time and after you return home.
Back and Spine Injuries
Back and spine injuries, which are common in car crashes and falls, pose the risk of paralysis for victims. Initially, doctors may run X-rays to pinpoint the location and severity of the injury along your spine. Pain management is crucial at this stage, so physicians may prescribe and administer medications for victims’ comfort.
Back and spine injuries can substantially worsen if victims are not properly immobilized after serious accidents. That is why calling 911 and requesting help from paramedics in these situations is important. Trying to remove yourself from your vehicle after suffering a bad neck injury could worsen it, and paramedics know what to do in these situations to help victims.
In addition to the immediate treatment costs for back and spine injuries, victims often have to undergo lengthy physical therapy to rehabilitate, if a full recovery is even possible. With back and spine injuries, victims often keep incurring damages after the end of their lawsuits, whether from future medical expenses or long-term lost wages, and our lawyers will consider such damages when seeking relief in your claim.
Facial and Disfiguring Injuries
Facial injuries and others that may be disfiguring, such as burns, are also costly to treat and come with intangible harms for victims. For example, many facial injuries suffered during car accidents require reconstructive surgery. Even with such surgeries, victims may continue to suffer non-economic damages because of the emotional distress and mental anguish they experience from disfigurement. Burns and other permanently disfiguring injuries, like limb loss, also cause victims substantial non-economic damages that our lawyers can work to quantify.
Displaced Fractures
Displaced fractures can take many months to heal, preventing victims from returning to their full working capacity after accidents and entitling them to lost wages. Furthermore, displaced fractures can be expensive to treat, as victims may need surgery to have metal rods or plates inserted to support bone realignment. Victims may need to wear casts or splints as they heal and take prescription medications to help with severe pain. Physical therapy is also often part of treatment plans for displaced fractures, the cost of which should be covered in your case against a negligent party.
Filing Your Lawsuit for a Personal Injury on Time in Garfield, NJ
To recover the damages you have incurred from an accident due to negligence, you must file your compensation claim within a specific timeframe. Otherwise, the court could block your case. Right away, we will pinpoint the date of injury and the date of discovery to see how much longer you have to file your case.
The statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in New Jersey is two years in most cases, according to N.J.S.A. § 2A:14-2. The accrual date, or when the clock starts to count down, is generally the date of injury. However, suppose victims do not discover their injuries immediately. In that case, the accrual date might get pushed back to the date of discovery, potentially giving them longer to file their case in court.
After identifying your filing deadline, we will prepare your case with the statute of limitations in mind, making sure to file well before it runs out when possible. We will file your case by submitting the injury complaint in court, which will name the defendant, identify your cause of action or reason for filing the case, and request relief for the damages you have incurred. Issues with injury complaints could lead to their dismissal, which our lawyers can help avoid by writing accurate and thorough complaints on plaintiffs’ behalves.
Call Our Lawyers in Garfield, NJ About Your Personal Injury Case
Have our personal injury lawyers review your case for free by calling Agrapidis & Maroules, P.C. today at (201) 777-1111.